Having been rushed off my feet with coursework all week and only getting the chance to sit down and breath this evening, upped popped an e-mail from
Julia Bobbin. "What's this?" I thought. Ashamedly, I haven't been scouring many bogs recently due to work overload, but when I saw that I had won third prize I was ecstatic!! Me? Win at a sewing competition? I based my project on Mad Men's Bobbie purely on the context that I had some awesome fabric that I found from the furnishing remnants at work. Here's another picture of it:
There were so many other amazing entries - I particularly liked the entry from
That's Sew Amy as it just looked so alike the original. Here's a photo of it if any of you out there haven't followed the links:
Damn my confidence has soared right there. I'm glad there are people out htere still fighting for our individualism in sewing desires!
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