Monday, 29 October 2012

Delicate Wings A-Fluttering
As it's half term, and I know I should be doing coursework - but of course, like many, I'm not - I decided to dance my fingertips over some new material and magical meanings. My auntie Sue (bless her cotton socks!) bought me two books. Not just any books though. Good Faeries....Bad Faeries by Brian Froud, and How To See Faeries by Brian Froud and John Mattews.

 I'm. In. Heaven! The illustrations by Brian are just amazing - there's no word to describe the awesomeness that is presented before your eyes and I'm captivated by the imaginative reality of this realm. Of one that get's over-excited about simple things, this certainly caters for my inner madness.

Alongside this, I had been glancing at a multitude of Fae images when I came across Even though it's not a proper blog, and I'm not a huge fan of Tumblr, it did however draw me in to the amount of beauty and faery-like inspiration this individual is drawn to. Page 15 in particular caught my eye with this image:
It's just elegant and beautiful! I'd be so tempted to try and recreate this masterpiece, but because I'm overhauled with (unfinished) coursework and additional projects, this may have to put to the back of the cupboard for the time being. *sigh*
Still, not to worry. I shall venture forth and admire more pretties to come!!

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Happy Birthday to....


Yes, it is my birthday today - the good old age of 18.

I've been a beautiful long walk on the common with my parents and my youngest brother, which was lovely. There were plenty of muddy spots to get stuck in, but unfortunately, I failed to charge my camera battery, so there are no photo's to share with you of that.
However, having visited the Ballgown Exhibition at the London Victoria & Albert Museum last week I thought I'd share with you some images I found on Pinterest. Such elegant findings aren't they?

On another considering note, surprisingly, I haven't been - or don't plan to - get 'rat-arsed' with consumption of stupid amounts of alcohol. A shame to some, but I'm moving on from that phase - I mean, where's the fun now in buying it yourself when it was much more satisfying knowing you could get away with being able to purchase alcohol through older friends? Illegal, yes. But what we've got to ask ourselves is whether or not society is becoming one of those 'health-and-safety-obey-my-orders-or-I'll-fry-you-alive' kind of places. Oh, hang on... it is - or that's my interpretation anyhow.

Friday, 12 October 2012

5 for Silver

"I've stopped and pondered for a very long time - a very long time indeed.
Almost as if I'm meant to wait for an interestingly strangeful deed.
And with that thought I rise and look to skies beyond the stars
Where all the faeries go to play with the magpies and cookie jars."

Time to think through thoughty thoughts. FIVE is a significant number to me. There are FIVE people in my house. There are FIVE very close friends that I have. There are FIVE trends that I adore and would love to clash them all together to create my own. To top it all off, I saw FIVE magpies today on my way home from College. 5 for Silver. I just hope that my superstitious mind brings a lot of luck my way! But you know what? I've had another realisation: all my friends are on the same wavelength as me - I was just too selfish to realise it; and if you're reading this, I'm sorry. Creative minds full of dark magic  and wondrous things are within us all. It's so good to feel like I've been slapped round the face and woken up (metaphorically speaking, of course).

I've finally agreed to choose FIVE universities to visit over the next year or so. My time has come to take a long quest towards Universities and distant cities. Today, I'm heading off to Plymouth, where I hope to enjoy the beauty of it and its 'College of Art' open day tomorrow.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Pretty Posessions....

For those that think I'm 'bunking' college today, I'm not - I have the worst fever ever, alongside coughs, a painfully sore throat and a snotty nose. Yes, I'm in a beautiful way - but I'm not ill enough to not want to do a bit of 'internet browsing', shall we say.

Alice Bag, in Royal Harat Carpet,
image courtesy of

I have had a love of bags of all shapes, sizes, colours and styles for many years. So many in fact that I've lost count of how many I have bought, made or drooled at. Today thanks to Glamour magazine,(that's UK Glamour, people!), I have come across an amazing awe of Carpet Bags. The company following the link has produced these bags made from amazingly patterned carpet fabric since 1974, where they continue to produce high-quality and an amazing array of styles. This is, however, not for the faint hearted, as the bold patterns cry out to those who have a style edge and are looking to be the unique individual. This is in fact the voice of me.

But it doesn't stop there. Not only does it have amazing texture, they have names, of which one in particular stands out to me: Alice. Although going by AliMcfadian on my blog and other areas within my creative life, I do have a secret awe about things that have my original name on them. This is one of them, and I'm sure you can guess the others! At £38, I think this will be an investment of the year, and besides, it'll have MY name on it. *inserting ridiculously smiley face here*